Letter to the Editor

Published on 23 June 2024 at 19:17

Joe, (Referencing previous letter to the editor written by Editor, Michelle Chaffee's husband. You can read that letter here)


Thank you for your well written and balanced letter. You have articulated what a majority of people in Washington believe as well. 


The name calling and mischaracterizations by Bruce Bailey, Tina Bailey and their extended family from Washington (to states beyond) that has taken place since last summer are a very sad testament to the true character of a small, incestuous group here that have no other message of leadership and vision to share. 


The text thread publicly shared by Bruce Bailey acting as Mayor and the “got u r back” bro-fest led by Andy Anderson was laced with middle school level mentality misogynist threats. 


That none of the members of our City Council has stepped forward to publicly apologize further demonstrates the void.  


Leaders take responsibility for mistakes — not lie, cover and obfuscate.  


Yet these are the same behaviors which were on display during the elections last year .. so no surprise… just continuing disappointment.  


It is unfortunate threats and blackmail tactics are deeply rooted in the behaviors of this City’s leaders.   It is unfortunate so many here fear speaking out and speaking up. 


Change is underway though as you note, and because so many illegal activities have occurred through City Hall and continue, a legal reckoning is ripe. 


Sometimes the old structure just cannot be renovated. You must simply tear it down to the ground and build anew. 


I hold out hope as you express that the evil currents hiding under wear-on-the-cuff Christianity will be overcome.  


I know there are individuals on the council with the ability to help lead this change.  I wish for them the courage and resolve to lead not follow or shirk in an effort to conform. 


We saw a great demonstration of this recently when Nate Cullars would not back down in his initiative to remove a vile cancer from the City’s team of employees.  What he did and has pursued as a lone voice - until the very end - took vision and courage and a display of someone who truly loves Washington and wants what is best — not just empty words 


And among the most courageous of all is Michelle and her incredibly professional work to investigate, report and shed light on so much that has for too long been a system of oppression for so many. She has truly shined light into the darkness. 


In the 25 years I’ve been in Washington never has there been this quality of true journalism and reporting. Her work and that of Richard Crabbe are world class. 


May this summer and fall bring us a well spring of the same type of guts and grit shown by Nate from all of us who not only want to see — but know there is a much better way for Washington than we are living now. 


Straighten those backs!


Ken Parris

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