Pop Warner All American Scholars

Published on 18 November 2022 at 09:45

Five students have been recognized as Pop Warner All American Scholars. Banks Dawson, Sukeeral Jernigan, Davis Johnson, Mayson Mingle and Jayden Samuels achieved this distinction by maintaining an average score of 96 for the 2021-2022 academic year.


Ashley Silvey, Scholastic Coordinator, Washington Wilkes Association shared a bit about the program that has been active in Washington for approximately two years. Pop Warner Little Scholars Program  is the only national youth sports organization in America that rewards its members for their outstanding performance in the classroom and requires student participants to maintain a 70 or above average academic score. Youth football, cheerleading and dance are the opportunities offered through the program for students ages pre-K to age 12.


Glen Scobey Warner, known as Pop was an American College football legend who coached at several higher academic institutions including Georgia, Iowa State, Stanford and Cornell. Pop Warner Little Scholars program, began in 1929 as the Junior Football Conference in Philadelphia to keep children busy and out of trouble. In 1934 Warner agreed to the program's renaming as the Pop Warner Conference. Approximately 425,000 children between the ages of 5 and 16 have participated in the program including 60-70% of NFL players.


Silvey said a group of cheerleaders will be headed to Orlando, Florida the weekend after Thanksgiving, to participate in regional championships. “These are some really talented girls” Silvey said. She also shared that they have been trying to raise funds for the trip. There will be a fundraising event on December 17th from 3:00-8:00 PM at the parks and recreation department at 22 Lexington Road. The event will include a bake sale, craft vendors, pictures with Santa, raffle and a wreath contest. If anyone wants to donate they can contact Rodney Welborn at wwparksandrec20@gmail.com

Reported by Michelle Chaffee

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