Citizens Speak Candidate Debate

Published on 14 September 2023 at 10:32

The Washington Wilkes Informer is hosting the inaugural Citizens Speak Candidate Debate on October 21, 2023. All candidates are invited to participate. The location is still being determined. Voters will have the opportunity to submit questions for the candidates, prior to the debate. Upon review, these questions will be presented to the candidates and they will be given the opportunity to answer. There will be three debate sessions on October 21st. One for District 1 city council candidates, another for District 2 candidates and a third for city wide mayoral candidates. The debate will be moderated and all efforts put in place for a civil, respectful discourse that allows voters to assess the candidate's opinions on issues important to them. Question can be submitted via the contact form. After entering your name in the contact form, please add the candidate or candidate office you wish the question be asked example; "Name": Jane Doe-question for council candidate district 2 and enter your question in the "message" box. Your name will NOT be mentioned at the debate when the question is asked. You can also send your questions to and specify which candidate or candidate office (District 1 council, District 2 council or mayor) you want your question presented to. DO NOT enter your questions in the comments below if you want them presented at the debate. To receive updates on the debate location, times and other information be sure to subscribe by clicking the button below.

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