Responses to deBin's Claim of Racism

Published on 28 July 2024 at 10:37

I contacted the mayor and all members of city council regarding the letter Jerry deBin sent to city attorney Adam Nelson stating he believed he was terminated as city administrator because of racial discrimination because he is white. You can read the article about deBin's claim here.


Washington, Georgia Mayor Bruce Bailey replied “All legal claims presented to the city are submitted to the city’s insurer for review and to determine available coverage. As far as payment to Mr. deBin, the city intends to follow the applicable ordinances.”


Councilman Nathaniel Cullars Sr. who is one of the three black councilmen deBin referenced as discriminating against him, along with councilman Reverand Larry Hill and Maceo Mahoney, had this to say, “Jerry was terminated because he wasn’t doing his job. Race had nothing to do with it. We’ve had other white city administrators who weren’t asked to resign. Race is an issue in Washington, but was not a factor in this particular situation.”


Councilman Hill said deBin’s accusation is “Totally false. Race had no bearing whatsoever in my decision. Listening to the situation according to the employees was the determining factor.”


Councilman  Mahoney said that “Although I am shocked by the alleged allegations. At this time we are focused on addressing the lawsuit through proper legal channels and prefer not to comment further.”


Some citizens chose to share their thoughts as well.


Tiare Tatum who recorded an exchange she had with deBin at city hall where she was asking questions about the utility deposits, including where the money goes and how citizens get it back, said “The alleged allegation is so ridiculous, it’s hilarious.”


A long time Washington resident who wished to remain anonymous sent a letter to the Informer saying the following:


"Jerry deBin being fired for "being white," is one the most laughable things I've ever heard. First of all, there is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is a form of oppression instigated by the race or party in power, therefore, Black people cannot be racist because, and especially in this community, Black people have no authoritative power, which is the actual problem. City council votes prove as much when previous tie-breakers with a white mayor were shown to favor the white council members.

Jerry deBin is an incompetent manager who is a power hungry racist himself, and how he was ever deemed worthy to be employed as a city administrator should be investigated. If I were the city's attorneys I would start gathering affidavits from all the Black employees at any businesses where Jerry has "worked" and that he's treated disparagingly.

Speaking of investigations, I think someone should explain why they are only suggesting an audit of the last five years and not the last ten or fifteen. Furthermore, I wonder why it is not a conflict of interest to have a former city administrator, Sherry Bailey, help gather the documents for that audit. I do not question Sherry's integrity; rather, I wonder how can the community can trust that the city is being transparent about its findings. No matter that Sherry is a GMA representative. She should not be overseeing this process!

I think it's important that we go back and audit anything after Mayor Willie Burns' administration because we already know that if there was anything amiss during his term, they would have already disclosed that, especially since they tried everything they could to slander him to begin with.

This community will NEVER heal until the naysayers admit that racism is a problem and that the Black people in this community are not treated equitably with honor and integrity. Racism exists here; admit it so we can heal and move on and be better. And, if anyone reading this thinks or says, "Black people CAN be racist," then those are the people who need to question who they really are."


In the letter sent by deBin's council, fourteen days was given until deBin would file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and "if necessary, file a suit on behalf of Mr. deBin." July 26, 2024 would be the fourteenth day. As of the date of this publication, I can find no evidence of a lawsuit being filed on behalf of Jerry deBin, against the city of Washington or members of city council.


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Jessie Lynn Williamson
7 months ago

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"a program to combat racism"
racial discrimination
racial prejudice
the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
"theories of racism" this letter is obviously from a black person who likes to say they are a victim to explain why they are where they are in life

Kirk A Johnson
7 months ago

I find the letter written by a fellow citizen, and submitted to the WWI to be,on it's own merit racial in tone.
And although well written, and with some points deserving attention and possible investigation. It is my belief that the author is being both naive and unfair.
To imply or state that one is not racist simply because of skin color is ridiculous. "Some" black folks/brown folks/yellow folks and white folks are simply racist. They are simply racist because they are simply human. They are not well rounded or intellectual humans. But humans none the less.
The use of the word racist has become overused, abused and often misused to justify personal agendas and feelings.
I believe that the continual use of this word is for gain and or pity, is an insult to the far more good people in this town and in this world.
If there were not more good than bad folks. Complete anarchy would exist.
Please be mindful prior to allowing the thought or the word enter the mind and exit the mouth.

Michelle Mickens
7 months ago

Looks like you missed the last sentence of the letter writer’s commentary (And, if anyone reading this thinks or says, "Black people CAN be racist," then those are the people who need to question who they really are."). Rather than be a keyboard warrior, be more self-reflective, sir. The young people you work with deserve that, and the fact that you focused more on the definition of race in the entire context of the article rather than the egregious behavior of DeBin speaks for itself.

Jon Brown
7 months ago

Anyone can have bias and prejudice, Jessie Williamson shared a definition of racism that supports what the anonymous writer stated "an ethnic group that is minority or marginalized." In Washington, technically black is the majority as far as race but the power has always been in the hands of white citizens. The history of slavery, lynchings, Jim Crow laws, KKK terror, the city dragging their heels as long as they could after schools had to be desegregated and quickly creating private schools so their white children didn't have to go to school with black. Racial segregation in every possible place citizens could interact is evidence of who has been oppressed since the founding of Washington. Come on, many of us in Washington lived through this. It wasn't a hundred years ago. Jerry deBin was in a position of power and he held it with an iron fist. He rejected any suggestion that would diminish his ability to wield power and authority even if it benefited the city. Imagine what those employees shared to get the council to vote that deBin had to go. Probably criminal. Remember the municipal election? Remember Patience Washington? How deBin was providing documents readily to the candidates he wanted to win? Candidates that would be beholden to him and let him continue his antics. There is still an ongoing Secretary of State investigation into that election and what occurred. One might imagine many were involved and we don't have to have a very creative imagination, just a decent memory. I bet on a swift and quiet payment to deBin so he will not spill all the beans. The letter sent by his attorneys shows he has confidence the city will pay for him to "hush." The part where his attorney says it will be in the best interest of all parties, says it all. We know enough to know some shady sh** was going on and others were in the thick of it.

The list is quite long in this community, of people who have evidence of Jerry deBin making racially insensitive, inappropriate and derogatory comments some of them public. I think that is why so many find his allegation so ridiculous.

Jessie Lynn Williamson
7 months ago

I would like to have a discussion with the writer of the informer to get some info on racism and oppression. I don't believe she can produce any. I really had a prejudice against her until I listened to her interview. I now have a new appreciation of her but just don't see things as she does and would like to be enlightened. I don't see racism and oppression, I see prejudice both from people brown and lighter than brown.

Michelle Mickens
7 months ago

Looks like you missed the last sentence of the letter writer’s commentary (And, if anyone reading this thinks or says, "Black people CAN be racist," then those are the people who need to question who they really are."). Rather than be a keyboard warrior, be more self-reflective, sir. The young people you work with deserve that, and the fact that you focused more on the definition of race in the entire context of the article rather than the egregious behavior of DeBin speaks for itself.