Summer 2024


Dearest Kind Reader,


As we endured the last freeze the end of February and entered quickly into spring with the azaleas starting their blooms and the Wisteria taking over the trees we have had a busy few months.

Now that we are quickly approaching summer, we reflect on what an eventful Spring we have had here in Washington, and offer a peak into the events still yet to come.

On April 6, 2024, the Washington Women’s Club and Rotary Club hosted the Spring Tour of Homes. Travelers and sojourners alike were invited to a glimpse of a gentle era. Nestled admits the verdant embrace of Washington, Georgia, these charming antebellum homes offer tranquil surroundings, adorned with antiques that whisper tales of yore. These homes were erected in the latter half of the 19th century. An old world charm that harks back to the gentility of the1800’s.

Guests were also invited to tour our museums, battle sites, library and churches. Guest could partake of local a fare or dine at the Women’s Club transport one to days of leisure and elegance.

An Art show displayed the many talents of local artist and artisans throughout Georgia. Featuring fine art, hand crafted jewelry, unique pottery, art photography. Washington also was honored with another amazing play by Washington Little Theater Co. presented Steel Magnolias. They captured the simplicity and southern styles of small town living in the South.

Other events such as Music and Makers ’24, Miss Wilkes County Pageant & Little Mr. Wilkes County, and Cruise In On the Square were just a few more of the events making Washington such a desirable place to visit.

Washington is celebrating new businesses and honoring existing ones in the Square and about. Finally, a coffee shop, The Nest, now in the square for us to sit and relax or grab a coffee to go with a delectable fresh pastry. If you prefer to elect a book to read, ABBA’s Christian Bookstore is around the corner. Purchase a book, or trinket of sorts, get a cup of coffee and visit for a while. Those of us that love our fury pets, stop by Slinky and Slade Pet Grooming and pampered your pet with a grooming. It is here that one may truly find respite and rejuvenation amidst the echos of the past, all while ensconced in the comforts of the present.

Washington offers serene vistas of the lush Georgian landscape, perfect for penning reflections or partaking in tranquil contemplation. The serenade of the cicadas is starting to fade away as we reminisce of the past few months on our porches.

The Summer promises sparkling fireworks and festivities in the square and about. This author although excited about upcoming events will look forward to the Fall weather when it returns.



Until next time, remember we are all neighbors that embrace the bucolic beauty of Washington, GA. Lady Washington


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Austin Markevitch
3 months ago

Hahahahaha! Is this a joke? I agree with the sentiment about Washington to some degree but this anonymous writer comes across as some bad flowery Tennesee Williams wanna-be.
Washington does have many of these qualities but the way this is written is laughable, as if this were a scene from Gone with the Wind.
Look, this town has so much potential to do more than it currently does. Take for instance the tour of homes. Do you target the young folks at UGA studying architecture or design? Do you use QR codes to spread the word? Do you actively pursue the art community? Successful small tourist towns like Provincetown, Massachusetts and Eureka Springs, Arkansas promote themselves as LGBT friendly, a demographic that brings in money, business and restores homes. Sadly, your little Methodist Church doesn't seem to realize this.
As far as impressions go, yes the houses are lovely but infrastructure and visual clues as to the economic prosperity of Washington are things that jump out more than the architecture. For example, your street signs...half you can't read as they are from the 1950s, a third are almost falling over instead of straight up, and the others are a hodge podge of styles that don't brand the city. It may seem petty, yes, but it says a lot about how you want to present yourself to the world.
Yes, Washington is pretty and yes, Washington has problems.
But this piece is fluff and does nothing to actually take steps to better Washington.

Michelle Mickens
3 months ago

What kind of crazy Lady Whistledown nonsense is this? If anyone goes anywhere here, it’s because of good service. My favorites are the Washington Tavern and Miller’s Bistro. I haven’t been to The Nest, but I hear it’s amazing.

No one comes here to enjoy the antebellum nostalgia. If they do, then I question their moral compass. That is such a bizarre sentiment to have about a place that has such a tragic history and whose heroes are Robert Toombs and Jefferson Davis. And, that’s only the old history. Modern history won’t leave a good mark here, either.

On another note, I hope it does change. I hope people will finally admit that racism still runs rampant here. I hope those who have been disenfranchised will someday have their feelings and memories of events validated because then, and only then, will this place be able to progress both socially and economically.

3 months ago

Interesting article sounds reminiscent of the Lady Whistledown on the Bridgeton series. But somewhat interesting and always good to have good news...

Anne Eskew
3 months ago

Good to know things hping on in and around Washington, Ga.

Marcus Hill
3 months ago

Cities and counties surrounding Washington have grown enormously, both economically and physically. This is because of their willingness to accept change. Not Washington, GA unfortunately. They still want to hold onto an image of a surviving civil war city with plantations, museums and such. While Washington is my home, the history of that time is not something I’m proud of.

Ken Parris
3 months ago

Well said Myra!!

....when I first stated investing in Washington 25 years ago through businesses and real estate, the same mentality of "aren't we a wonderful ol' antebellum town the world will just want to flock to" was steeped in to those who continue to desperately try to keep a grip on the economic throat of all who are here.

It's Delta Dawn thinking...

The proposal to have an anonymous column to promote and propagate through nuance this same narrative matches the challenges Michelle Chaffee, Richard Crabbe and the Washington-Wilkes Informer have faced -- a complete lack of transparency by the elected officials of the City of Washington.

The letter emailed from City Attorney Adam Nelson to Michelle Chaffee of 7 July was an illegal act... and a blatant attempt to intimidate and blackmail her. Adam Nelson represented on behalf of Bruce Bailey that "all the city council support" a meeting to sweep the Ethics Violation investigation and resolution under the rug.

There was no motion by the City Council.

There was no vote.

There was no concensus.

Adam Nelson grossly misrepresented the forces of the City being aligned against Michelle's demand that the threatening behaviors directed to her by the Mayor and members of the City Council be confronted and properly addressed.

It was a pure attempt to bully and strong arm....and clearly the Mayor was in on it.

Like during the campaign last year when City Councilman Andy Anderson would go to and tell people to take down yard signs they had put up in support of me or others....

"... or else" being the implication.

Not “here’s a better idea or vision for the City.”

Just take it down -- because “we have decided” who should be elected.. not you.

These behaviors have long prevailed in Washington, and the reason so many here fear speaking out and speaking up. I heard of this fear so many times from residents when I was knocking on doors last year.

And in the 25 years since I started investing here... nothing has changed!!

Washington, Georgia is still an economic backwater... and getting worse by the month.

It doesn't matter how many little "kudos" and giggles someone writes about the new this or the new that on the square. I have seen the tide of "new businesses" come in and go out from the square 5 times.

Most are more hobbies than businesses.

As I have so often hear people who had businesses here say, "the way to create a small fortune in Washington is to start with a big one..."

A movement is underway though, and Michelle Chaffee has been at the tip of the spear, peeling back the layers of deceit and lies and criminal behaviors that plague our City's operations.

She needs our help.

Martin Luther King famously says in his last speech... the one in which he says he has been to the mountaintop.. in one of his last calls to oppressed people everywhere:

"... whenever men and women straighten their backs up, they are going somewhere, because a man can't ride your back unless it is bent."

If the people of Washington want change, it will take the courage to speak up and stand up. To straighten our backs.

I have so many people here stop me and tell me how clearly they see all of the deceitful behaviors, but "because of their business", or "because of their relative's job with the City", or "because of some person they know who was attacked for speaking out" -- just like Michelle -- they are to fearful to do so.

My hope and prayer is that we will have a summer of change, and an autumn of courageous acts.

Let's stop allowing the cowards who hide behind anonymous columns or Facebook attacks to demean and tear down people of this City for speaking out to be the vocal minority.

They don’t have good ideas or vision or a plan… they just spew hate and vitriol and vile comments.

That speaks volumes about who and what they truly are about.

I believe it is time for an awakening in Washington --a change to set this community on a course of prosperity and success not seen for almost 200 years, a course that is good for all who live here -- no matter whether they are D1 or D2!

Let's straighten those backs!

It's time.

jessie williamson
3 months ago

I really am appreciative of our town and the surrounding areas. I thought this was well done and enjoyed it

Mark A. Fields
3 months ago

On behalf of the THE NEST I would like to express our thanks for the nod and appreciation. We're excited to be part of this community and couldn't make it without the love and support of our patrons. Remember that - beyond your daily coffee and occasional treat - this is a house for gathering, connecting, and togetherness. We look forward to seeing you soon!

With Gratitude,

Myra Blackmon
3 months ago

I am rarely in favor of anonymous columns. People
Need to stand up for themselves and be transparent. While I believe some good news about the nice parts of living here is a worthwhile endeavor, this one glorifies a by-gone era, one that included segregation, slavery, poor educational outcomes and a number of unjust practices. Remember, women didn’t even get the right to vote until 1920!